Took the exam on October 11th at my old technical college. It was fun to go back and relive walking through the halls and visiting the computer labs. I can’t say much about the exam, since I did sign an NDA, but passed with 920/1000. Took about 30 minutes to answer all the questions. Still… Continue reading Passed Exam 70-740 – Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016 Exam – Creating a cluster with one workstation in lab.
Here are some quick and dirty steps to create your own VM cluster for testing purposes only. Create 4 virtual machines: VM1: Domain Controller ( VM2: Storage Server ( VM3: Cluster Node 1 VM4: Cluster Node 2 Connect clients to domain controller. Familiarize yourself with these Powershell commands (not case sensitive): New-NetIPAddress Set-NetIPAddress Install-WindowsFeature New-ISCSIVirtualDisk… Continue reading Windows Server 2016 Exam – Creating a cluster with one workstation in lab.
Using Windows built-in backup wbadmin.
This post is focused on wbadmin and not Powershell. Wbadmin is a tool that has been around for many versions of Windows back to at least 2008. It’s the primary tool used for most Windows machines. This article provides some great starting points to do most tasks from a Powershell prompt. As a network administrator,… Continue reading Using Windows built-in backup wbadmin.
Windows Server 2016 Exam – Hyper-V (70-740)
Here are some quick notes to Hyper-V that might come up during the exam: Generations Generation 2 is not the default when created a new VM, but using the command -generation 2 during the new-vm applet will accomplish 2. * A little copy and paste, Generation 2 features:Generation 2 VMs use synthetic drivers and software-based… Continue reading Windows Server 2016 Exam – Hyper-V (70-740)
Windows Server 2016 Exam – Nano Server (70-740)
Nano server is Microsoft’s way to provide a very small footprint of an OS that gives the user everything they need to run certain services. Although a lot of Nano server will be deemed unnecessary after containers gain more steam, Nano Server is still a critical part of the 70-740 exam. What services are and… Continue reading Windows Server 2016 Exam – Nano Server (70-740)
Windows Server 2016 Exam – PowerShell Commands to Know (70-740)
Here’s a short list of PS commands that you may not know now, but they have a high likelihood of showing up on the exam: NANOSERVER New-NanoServerImage: This module is imported from the Windows 2016 ISO D:\NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator\NanoServerImageGenerator.psm1 Commands that are included with this module: gcm -module Edit-NanoServerImage, Get-NanoServerPackage, and New-NanoServerImage. Creating a new image: new-nanoserverimage… Continue reading Windows Server 2016 Exam – PowerShell Commands to Know (70-740)
Windows 2016 Server Exam – Clustering (70-740)
Clustering in Windows 2016 for beginners. Up until Windows 2016 clustering, things were going smoothly on my studying and preparing for this exam, but clustering is by far the most challenging section of the exam so far. For those Microsoft techs and engineers that have been using the technology on a daily basis, it isn’t… Continue reading Windows 2016 Server Exam – Clustering (70-740)
Demystifying DISM to update Nano Server
DISM is a great tool to use for scripting updates to WIM or VHDX files. Here’s how to get started for VHDX, VHD, or WIM files offline. dism /mount-image /imagefile:boot.vhdx /mountdir:d:\mount /index:1 Here are a few tricks to remembering the syntax, minus using Google, most DISM commands that perform an action or verbs are separated… Continue reading Demystifying DISM to update Nano Server
Creating a new lab for practicing the 70-740 Windows 2016 Exam.
It’s essential to have a good lab for testing different scenarios with different features of Windows 2016. Doing this usually requires lots of pointing and clicking, downloading, and wasting time doing repetitious things. Saving this time to use for more preparing for the exam can be solved with a little knowledge of Powershell. After hosing… Continue reading Creating a new lab for practicing the 70-740 Windows 2016 Exam.
Updating MRP software for many AD clients.
Recently our company upgraded their MRP software several versions. Unfortunately the version being so old, required “touching” each machine to uninstall old client and install new client software. This worked fine, but going by physical locations doesn’t always cover all computers. I took care of most of the most important computers and went by name… Continue reading Updating MRP software for many AD clients.