Windows Server 2016 Exam – 70-741 PowerShell by Category

Here’s a list of popular Powershell commands categorized:

IPv4: New-NetIpAddress
DNS: Sets to setup a zone scope in DNS.
Add-DnsServerClientSubnet -Name "LocationSubnet" -IPv4Subnet ""
Add-DnsServerZoneScope -Zonename "" -Name "LocationScope"
Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -Zonename "" -A -Name "www" -IPv4Address "" -ZoneScope "LocationScope"
Add-DnsServerQueryResolutionPolicy -Name "MyPolicy" -Action Allow -ClientSubnet "eq,LocationSubnet" -ZoneScope "LocationScope,1" -ZoneName ""
Add-DnsServerClientSubnet: Prevent RRL from applying to certain hosts
Add-DhcpServer4Filter - The Add-DhcpServerv4Filter cmdlet adds the specified MAC address filter to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server service. The MAC address can be added to the allow list or the deny list.
Get-DHCPServerinDC - Find all authorized DHCP servers in domain.
Network redundancy and performance:
Set-NetAdapterRSS - enable traffic can be processed by multiple network processors.
Enabled-NetAdapterRSS - distribute network processing load across VM processors.
Enabling SET and RDMA: New-VMSwitch, Add VMNetworkAdapter, Enable-NetAdapterRDMA
Get-DfsnFolderTarger \\Server\NameSpace\Folder1 - find shares user will access when connecting to target.
Get-NPSSharedSecretTemplate - Displays the shared secret of a template.